My photo
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
I am a sustainability and education consultant. Previously I was a lecturer in sustainable energy. I was originally a mechanical engineer, and later a sociologist of environmental technology, focussing on institutional barriers to wind power. I have long been interested in what motivates people's behaviours in education and sustainability practices. I am now studying psychology to better understand the psychology of climate inaction and unsustainability. I hope to integrate this with an understanding of political and institutional barriers to sustainability. I am strongly committed to social justice. I occasionally write satirical verse, particularly about climate inaction.

Mathematics and Science Teaching: Interactive Resources

This report describes over 100 interactive resources that can be used in teaching Mathematics and Science in the middle years. The list was prepared in 2008, and some of the links may no longer be functional. The report also lists a number of websites where teachers may find other interactive resources.

List of topics
Probability and Statistics
Other resources on Probability and Statistics
Sets and Venn Diagrams
Number and Estimation
Other resources on Number and Estimation
Other resources on Geometry
List of Sites with Interactive Mathematical Activities
Science Resources
List of Sites with Interactive Science Activities

Probability and Statistics

TOPIC: Probability
TITLE: Spinners
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: Virtual spinner. Spinner can have up to 11 equal-sized regions. Each region has a different colour and can also be allocated a name or number. Thus spinner acts as a random generator. The relative size of each region can be changed, simulating sampling of events with different probabilities. It is possible to select a number of spins up to 999, and graph the results.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Introduction to experimental probability. Can use to compare experimental probability with theoretical probability. Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Probability
TITLE: Adjustable Spinner
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: Virtual spinner. User can select up to 12 regions of different colours, and can select the size of each region expressed as a percent. It is possible to select a number of spins up to 100,000. The results are given as a table comparing theoretical probability with experimental. These can also be compared as pie charts. Note: this spinner offers more flexibility than spinner described above.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Introduction to experimental probability, Individual students use
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TOPIC: Probability: rolling dice
TITLE: Chances
SOURCE: National Center for Education Statistics
DESCRIPTION: User can roll two dice a selected number of times (up to 5000). The result is a bar graph shown relative frequency of each total from 2 to 12.
Also shown is a table showing frequency of each combination of results
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Simulation exercise, Teacher demonstration
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TOPIC: Probability
TITLE: Box Model
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: This simulates random draws of a number from a box with replacement. The user can select which numbers are put in the box at the start. (A given number can be put in more than once, thereby changing the theoretical probabilities.) The user can also select how many times numbers are drawn. The experimental and theoretical probabilities are displayed on a graph. The user can see the order in which numbers were drawn, and therefore can see how often runs of a particular number occur.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Introduction to experimental probability, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Probability
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: Shows a grid of trees in a forest. User selects a tree at which to start a fire. User also selects probability that fire will spread to adjacent trees. The results show which parts of the forest are burned down, and what proportion is burned. If the probability that fire will spread to an adjacent tree is 0.33 or less, the fire tends to die out quickly. At probabilities 0.67 or higher, most of the forest tends to be burned down.  The fire is more likely to die out if fire is started in a corner due to the lower number of adjacent trees. This applet illustrates how a relatively small change in the probability of the fire spreading can have a significant effect on the overall result, because the fire is able to spread to up to four adjacent trees. It also shows how the same starting event with same probability can produce a massive difference, depending on whether the fire takes hold or not.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Individual students use. Students could try this activity a number of times for different starting position (middle and corner) and different probabilities, so that they can see effect of changing these parameters.
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TOPIC: Probability
TITLE: Coin Tossing
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: Simulates the tossing of a coin. User can choose the number of times coin is tossed. The results include number of heads and tails tossed, and a bar graph of the proportion of heads and tails. Also shows the longest run of heads and longest run of tails. Alternatively user can select the longest run of heads, and see how many tosses are required to produce this run. It is possible to change the probability of heads. Thus, for example user can make heads an unlikely event and find out how many tosses it takes to get a certain number of heads in a row.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Introduction to experimental probability, Individual student use. It would be useful to devise associated activities. For example students can toss coin say 20 times and repeat this a number of times to see the distribution of heads. Can also be used to see how often runs of heads or tails occur (more often than students expect).
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TOPIC: Probability: tossing coins
TITLE: Heads or tails
SOURCE: Pearson Education Ltd
DESCRIPTION: User can select up to 10 coins and toss them a selected number of times. The frequency in which a given number of heads are produced is shown as a bar graph. Can be slow if more than a few hundred trials entered.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Simulation, Individual student use. Can be useful to see how often, for example, all heads appear, and compare with theoretical probability.
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TOPIC: Probability: rolling dice
TITLE: Dice Spreadsheet
SOURCE: Mike Shepperd
DESCRIPTION: This Excel Spreadsheet simulates the throw of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 8 dice. Includes sum, difference, larger and smaller
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data Simulation. Needs an activity to go with it.
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: Probability
TITLE: Catching Fish
DESCRIPTION: This is a game with three levels. At level 3 users need to move fish from one tank to another to make the probability of catching a fish equal to the fraction given.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data. Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Probability
TITLE: The Birthday Problem
SOURCE: Mathematics, Science and Technology Education program at the University of Illinois
DESCRIPTION: This activity can be used to find out how likely it is that from a given number of people in a group, two or more will share a birthday. Users can change the number of people, and run the simulation 100 times.  There is another simulator from Susan Holmes, Stanford University at  http://www-stat.stanford.edu/~susan/surprise/Birthday.html 
Another visually appealing simulator can be found at Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School, USA
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data. Individual student use. Students could see the effect of changing the number of people in the group. With 23 people in the group, for example, there is a 50% chance that two or more share a birthday.
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TOPIC: Probability: sum of tossing two die
TITLE: Chase me
SOURCE: Pearson Education Ltd
DESCRIPTION: This is a game used to demonstrate which are the more likely outcomes from the throw of two dice. There is worksheet (for different levels) at http://www.mathsonline.co.uk/nonmembers/resource/prob/chaseks2.html and http://www.mathsonline.co.uk/nonmembers/resource/prob/chaseks3.html
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Probability   
TITLE: Socks
SOURCE: Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School, USA
DESCRIPTION: Simulates a drier which eats socks. There are initially four pairs of socks. User clicks on drier, and four socks go missing. User then records what is left: no pairs, one pair or two pairs. This should be run repeatedly. Click on “Activities” for instructions.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Chance and Data. Individual student use. Useful for comparing theoretical and experimental probability.
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TOPIC: Linear Regression
TITLE: Regression Applet
SOURCE: R. Webster West
DESCRIPTION: This apple show a graph with regression line and correlation coefficient based on four data points. Users can add a fifth data point and see the effect on regression line and correlation coefficient. Outliers are shown to have a significant effect.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Chance and Data, Teacher demonstration
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TOPIC: Linear Regression
TITLE: Regression by eye
SOURCE: R. Webster West
DESCRIPTION: Twenty data points are shown on a scatter plot. User tries to determine location of regression line. They are given the sum of square error. Users can move, add or remove points and see effect on regression line and sum of square error.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Chance and Data, individual student use
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TOPIC: Linear Regression
TITLE: Correlation by eye
SOURCE: R. Webster West
DESCRIPTION: Twenty data points are shown on a scatter plot. User must estimate correlation coefficient. Users can move, add or remove points and see effect on correlation coefficient. User can generate new data sets.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Chance and Data, individual student use
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TOPIC: Linear Regression
TITLE: Scatterplot
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: User enters x and y data, or can just click on points on a graph. A scatterplot is then produced. The equation of line of best fit and r value are given. The graph also shows the mean value of x and y. Users can see the effect of adding additional points.
A similar activity is provided by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics at http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=146
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Chance and Data, individual student use.
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TOPIC: Mean and median, box- and whisker- plots
TITLE: Mean and median
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: User enters data on a line, and can see the effect on median, mean and shape of box- and whisker-plot. Users can move data points, or add new ones to see effect
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, individual student use.
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TOPIC: Histogram and box plots
TITLE: Histogram
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: User is provided with sets of data, or they can enter their own data. User can produce a histogram and a box plot, and switch between these. User can change the cell width in the histogram, and see the effect on the shape.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, and, Chance and Data, individual student use.
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TOPIC: Box- and whisker- plots
TITLE: Box Plotter
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: User can select from available data sets or create their own. A box plot is produced. Extreme outliers can be excluded, and user can change extreme range
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, individual student use.
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TOPIC: Mean and Median
TITLE: Comparing Properties of the Mean and the Median
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: Seven data points are shown on a line. The mean and median are shown. User can move any data point to see effect on mean and median. Associated activities are provided.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, individual student use.
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TOPIC: Histograms
TITLE: Histogram tool
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: This displays a histogram based on provided data or data entered by user. User can change interval size and see the effect on the shape of histogram
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Chance and Data, individual student use or teacher demonstration.
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Other resources on Probability and Statistics

This site links to hundreds of resources (including java applets) on probability and statistics. User can select by topic.

This site links to many demonstration, practice, extension and testing activities. Under heading Data Handling are the following subheadings:
Data collection            Data Mode / Mean / Median
Data Probability          Data Reading / Interpretation

Mathematics, Science and Technology Education program at the University of Illinois
This site has about 20 interactive activities in probability and statistics

Essential Mathematics VELS Interactives
Teachers can download a number of interactive files suitable for selected year level. Some require Excel; others require use of Cabri software

Prentice-Hall applets: http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~west/ph/
Applets on
Sample from a population                               Sampling distributions
Random numbers                                             Long run probability demonstrations
Mean versus median                                        Standard deviation
Confidence intervals                                       Hypothesis tests
Binomial distribution

nrich: Experimenting with probability, http://nrich.maths.org/public/viewer.php?obj_id=5541
This package contains a number of activities whereby students can carry out simple experiments in probability.

This is a series of activities for statistics, including finding mean, median, mode, range, factorial, permutations, combinations, simple probability, tree diagrams.

Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.  http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/ 
Select probability or statistics for a range of interactive activities. It includes notes for instructors.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives:  http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/topic_t_5.html/
This has many interactive activities sorted under year level and topic.

Vestac:  Java Applets for Visualization of Statistical Concepts: http://lstat.kuleuven.be/java/
This has a few applets for middle school maths, but most would be appropriate for senior school maths.

Sets and Venn Diagrams

TOPIC: Venn Diagrams
TITLE: Intersection and Union
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: Students must match the Venn Diagram showing intersection or union (or combination) of sets A, B and C with the correct mathematical notation.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, or 6 Structure, Individual student use. Useful for revision.
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TOPIC: Venn Diagrams
TITLE: Venn Diagram Applet
SOURCE: Mike Shepperd
DESCRIPTION: Applet shows Venn Diagram with two sets. Users selects various subsets that can be formed from these sets, for example, the intersection of the sets, and these subsets are then shaded..
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, or 6 Structure, Individual student use (suggest students attempt to work these out before using) or Teacher Demonstration
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TOPIC: Venn Diagrams
TITLE: Venn Diagrams
SOURCE: Shodor
URL:  http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/VennDiagrams/
DESCRIPTION: Students are given Venn Diagrams representing three sets and must select where a given element should be located. .
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Venn Diagrams
TITLE: Venn Diagrams
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: Users are shown Venn Diagram representing three sets, and are given set operations. They must shade the section of the Venn diagram corresponding to the operation.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Sets and Venn Diagrams
TITLE: Logic Zoo
SOURCE: PBS Kids: Cyberchase
DESCRIPTION: This is a game. Users must sort animals into pens based on their characteristics. Demonstrates sets and their intersection.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure, Individual student use. Introductory activity

Number and Estimation

TOPIC: Rounding off Numbers
TITLE: Rounding
DESCRIPTION: Students round off given numbers. There are three levels. Level 1 requires rounding off to a given power of 10. Level 2 requires rounding off to given number of decimal places. Level 3 requires rounding off to given number of significant figures.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 and 6 Number. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Scientific notation
TITLE: Scientific notation
SOURCE: aaamath
DESCRIPTION:  These are a series of activities involving: conversions between numbers in scientific notation and number, decimal fraction form. Also includes dividing and multiplying numbers written in scientific notation. Students receive score.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6 Number. Individual student use as practice activity.
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TOPIC: Rounding
TITLE: Estimation - Lessons
SOURCE: aaamath
DESCRIPTION: These are a series of activities requiring user to round off numbers and decimals as specified
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 and 6 Number. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Base and exponents
TITLE: Exponents
SOURCE: aaamath
DESCRIPTION: These are a series of activities involving calculations for expressions involving base and exponent.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 Number. Individual student use as practice activity.
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TOPIC: Order of operations / Mental computation.
TITLE: SpeedMath Deluxe
SOURCE: Jefferson Lab
DESCRIPTION: Users are given four numbers and an answer. They must select addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division operations to create an equation. Users are timed. Useful for helping students improve mental computation ability, and user the correct order of operations
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number, Individual student use. Students may play against classmates.
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TOPIC: Golden Ratio
TITLE: Golden Rectangle
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION:  This is a plotter demonstrating that for a golden rectangle, cutting off a square produces a new golden rectangle, and so on.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Number, Teacher demonstration
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TOPIC: Estimating number, length or area; Scaling
TITLE: Comparison Estimator
SOURCE: Shodor
DESCRIPTION: User compares two diagrams. Diagrams contain a number of objects, a curve, or a shape. Use estimates which has the greater number of objects, curve of greatest length, or shape of greatest area.  Pressing “hint” gives a grid, which helps with the estimation. There are two levels of difficulty. Level 1 problems are straightforward and more suited to primary students. Level 2 problems are more difficult because objects to be counted are of different size, and when estimating length and area, the scales in each diagram may differ. Curves and areas are also more complex.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Measurement. Use by individual students.
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TOPIC: Estimating number, length or area
TITLE: Estimator
SOURCE: Shodor
DESCRIPTION: User estimates number of objects, length of curves and areas of irregular shapes in terms of scale given. Pressing “hint” gives a grid, which helps with the estimation. There are two levels of difficulty. Level 2 problems have objects of different sizes, and more complex curves and shapes. However, Level 1 is not that easy, and both are suitable for secondary students.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Measurement. Use by individual students.
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TOPIC: Estimating number, length or area
TITLE: More or Less Estimator
SOURCE: Shodor
DESCRIPTION: User estimates the number of objects, length of curves and areas of irregular shapes and states whether the answer is more or less than the value given. Pressing “hint” gives a grid, which helps with the estimation.  There are two levels of difficulty. Level 2 problems have objects of different sizes, and more complex curves and shapes.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Measurement. Use by individual students.
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TOPIC: Estimation
TITLE: Estimate!
SOURCE: Freudenthal Institute: Wisweb
DESCRIPTION: Users have to estimate answer to a simple arithmetic problem. Users are rewarded by finding an approximate answer as quickly as possible.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Measurement. Use by individual students to help their mental computation skills
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TOPIC: Estimating percentages
TITLE: Pietest
SOURCE: www.interactivestuff.org
DESCRIPTION: Students need to estimate the size of a coloured segment expressed as a percentage. They are awarded points depending on how close they are.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Estimating results of simple calculation
TITLE: Estimator Four
SOURCE: Shodor
DESCRIPTION: This is a game between two people. Students are required to estimate the result of addition, multiplication or percentage calculation in a short time. They can choose the time they have to answer (between 10 and 60 seconds). There are three levels of difficult. Students can also choose the degree of accuracy of answer. This game requires students to make a reasonable estimate of an answer rather than to calculate it, and thus is useful for developing mental computation ability.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by pairs of students
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TOPIC: Estimating results of simple calculation
TITLE: Estimator Quiz
SOURCE: Shodor
DESCRIPTION: This is similar to EstimatorFour, however it is a quiz for one student. This game requires students to make a reasonable estimate of an answer mentally, rather than to calculate it. Therefore it is very useful to help develop mental computation ability.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Estimating angles
TITLE: Angler
SOURCE: Mymaths.co.uk
DESCRIPTION: Students need to construct an angle of specified size (up to 360 º). They receive a score depending on how close they are. They need to be within 10º to receive any points.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Measurement and Space. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Estimating percentages
TITLE: Pietest
SOURCE: www.interactivestuff.org
DESCRIPTION: Students need to estimate the size of a coloured segment expressed as a percentage. They are awarded points depending on how close they are.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Estimating
TITLE:  Estimating
SOURCE: aaamath
DESCRIPTION: These are a series of activities involving estimating sums, sum of decimals, differences, decimal differences
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Individual student use as practice activity
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Other resources on Number and Estimation

This is a series of practice activities on various number topics, sorted by topic and grade level.

This site links to hundreds of resources (including java applets) on number. User can select by topic and year level.

Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.  http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/ 
Select Number and Operations for a range of interactive activities. It includes notes for instructors.

See also additional sites listed below.


TOPIC: Percentages: recognizing equivalent forms.
TITLE: Matching Fractions Decimals Percentages
SOURCE: nrich
DESCRIPTION: This is a card game. Students must turn over cards to find equivalent decimals, fractions or percentages. There are 16 cards. Game produces a score.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students. Use at introduction to percentages.
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TOPIC: Percentages
TITLE: Fraction and Percentage Card Game
SOURCE: nrich
DESCRIPTION: This is a card game. Students must turn over cards which are equivalent. Cards include percentages increases and decreases, fractions multiplied together. Some cards may require use of calculator. Uses pound symbol for currency. There are 30 cards.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students or in pairs. (Pairs are probably preferable, as game is relatively difficult.)
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TOPIC: Estimating percentages
TITLE: Pietest
SOURCE: www.interactivestuff.org
DESCRIPTION: Students need to estimate the size of a coloured segment expressed as a percentage. They are awarded points depending on how close they are.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Matching percentages, decimals and shapes
TITLE: Mission Magnet
SOURCE: PBS Kids / Cyberchase
DESCRIPTION: This is a game. Users need to match percentages, decimals and shapes.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students at introduction to percentages
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TOPIC: Percentages: calculate percentage of number
TITLE: Fraction and Percentage Card Game
SOURCE: Funbrain.com
DESCRIPTION: Users need to calculate tips: e.g. 5% of $15. Solution given if answer is incorrect. Gives a score. User can select easy, medium or hard problems. With hard problems, the value of tip and original bill are given, and students must calculate tip as percent.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students.
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TOPIC: Percentages, fractions equivalents
TITLE: Common Fraction & PerCent Equivalencies
DESCRIPTION: Users need to match fractions and percentages. There are 16 squares to match. .
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students early in topic.
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TOPIC: Percentages: quiz
TITLE: Fractions, decimals & percentages - Quiz 2
DESCRIPTION: This is a quiz with 10 questions. Users need to convert between decimals and percentages. Gives a score.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students early in topic.
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TOPIC: Percentages: quiz
TITLE: Fractions, decimals & percentages - Quiz 3
DESCRIPTION: This is a quiz with 10 questions. Users need to convert between fractions and percentages. Gives a score.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students early in topic.
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TOPIC: Percentages: quiz
TITLE: Fractions, decimals & percentages - Quiz 4
DESCRIPTION: This is a quiz with 19 questions covering a range of simple probability questions. Gives a score.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students as part of topic revision.
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TOPIC: Percentages
TITLE: Percentage
SOURCE: aaamath
DESCRIPTION: This has a number of activities involving percentages, including calculating commissions, sales markups, sales tax, simple interest, tips. Concepts are defined and a sample problem with solution is given for each type of problem. Gives scores.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students. Students need to be directed which activities to do. Could be used as part of revision.
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TOPIC: Percentages
TITLE: Sophie’s Dominoes
SOURCE: Northwest Learning Grid
DESCRIPTION: Users move dominoes in order to match numbers, fractions and percentages match. There is a timer
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Number. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Percentages, Compound interest
TITLE: Savings Calculator
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulative
DESCRIPTION: This shows the effect of compound interest over time. User enters amount deposited and frequency of deposits, interest rate, number of years, and how often interest is paid. The result is a graph showing how savings increase over time. Graph indicates deposits and interest earned.  A similar applet can be found at National Council of Teachers of Mathematics http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=172
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, or Level 6 Number. Use by individual students. Students can change the number of years and/or the interest rate and see the effect on their savings. Students could also be asked to determine much they need to deposit at given interval in order to have say one million dollars at retirement.
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TOPIC: Area of parallelogram
TITLE: Area Parallelograms
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: This applet shows a parallelogram. The length of base, height and area are shown. User can change the shape of the parallelogram, while retaining same base and height. Thus the area does not change. User can change length of base, while retaining same height, or user can change both length of base and height. User can check that area =  (base)×(height)
See also International Educational Software, Maths Education and Technology  http://www.ies.co.jp/math/java/geo/cava/cava.html
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5,  Measurement. Use by individual students.
Useful for illustrating how the area of parallelogram depends only on length of base and height, not on shape.
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TOPIC: Area of triangle
TITLE: Area Triangles
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: Shows a triangle. The length of base, height and area are shown. User can change the shape of the triangle, while retaining same base and height. Thus the area does not change. User can change length of base and height. User can check that area = ½ (base) × (height)
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Measurement. Use by individual students. Useful for illustrating how the area of triangle depends only on length of base and height, not on shape
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TOPIC: Area of triangle
TITLE: Transformation of a pentagon
SOURCE: International Educational Software, Maths Education and Technology
DESCRIPTION: Demonstrates how the area of a triangle stays the same if base and height are unchanged. User manipulates vertices of a pentagon. As they drag, a triangle is formed, and user is constrained to move vertex such that base and height remain the same. User can thus produce a number of shapes, all with the same area.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Measurement. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Area and perimeter
TITLE: Geometry Board
SOURCE: Math Playground
A similar board can be found at National Library of Virtual Manipulatives http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_279_g_4_t_3.html
Another board at http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_303_g_4_t_3.html gives the x and y coordinates of pegs.
DESCRIPTION: Provides grid of pegs. Students can make a shape using pegs. Area and perimeter is calculated. Can be used to explore different shapes, e.g. question posed on site:” How many shapes can you makes with a perimeter of 16 units? What happens to the area of these shapes? What sort of shapes maximize area? Which ones provide the smallest area?”
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5,  Measurement. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Area and perimeter
TITLE: Geometry Board
SOURCE: Math Playground
A similar board can be found at National Library of Virtual Manipulatives http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/frames_asid_279_g_4_t_3.html
DESCRIPTION: Provides grid of pegs. Students can make a shape using pegs. Area and perimeter is calculated. Can be used to explore different shapes, e.g. question posed on site:” How many shapes can you makes with a perimeter of 16 units? What happens to the area of these shapes? What sort of shapes maximize area? Which ones provide the smallest area?”
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5,  Measurement. Use by individual students
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TITLE: Surface Area of Cylinders
DESCRIPTION: This is a quiz comprising 5 questions (randomized). Users are given dimensions of cylinder and need to calculate surface area.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5,  Measurement. Use by individual students, perhaps for revision class.
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TOPIC: Volume
TITLE Volume of Cylinders
DESCRIPTION: This is a quiz comprising 5 questions (randomized). Users are given dimensions of cylinder and need to calculate volume.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5,  Measurement. Use by individual students, perhaps for revision class.
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TOPIC: Volume
TITLE How high?
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: Activity simulates pouring of liquid from one container to another of different size. User must predict how high liquid will reach in second container. Useful for demonstrating the effect of changing linear dimension of object on the volume.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space. Use by individual students.
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TOPIC: Converting between units of length, area, mass, volume, time
TITLE: Unit Conversion
SOURCE: http://www.walter-fendt.de/
DESCRIPTION: This is a game (with score). Students need to convert length, area, mass, volume or time from one unit to another. There are four levels of difficulty.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, or 6 Measurement, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Representing three-dimensional objects
TITLE: 3-D object viewer
SOURCE: Freudenthal Institute: Wisweb
DESCRIPTION: This applet allows the user to rotate a three-dimensional object, thereby exploring different views. They can select different objects. (Menu is in Dutch, but this does not matter.) They can also select “Drawing” to see side, top and front views.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 and 6 Space, Individual Student use
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TOPIC: Representing three-dimensional objects
TITLE: Building Houses
SOURCE: Freudenthal Institute: Wisweb
DESCRIPTION: User can construct a 3-D object using small blocks. They can see how the front, side and top views change as they add or remove blocks. 3-D object can also be rotated.
See also series of activities under Building with Blocks: http://www.fi.uu.nl/toepassingen/00339/toepassing_wisweb.en.html
See also Building Houses with Sides Views
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 and 6 Space, Individual Student use
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TOPIC: Representing three-dimensional objects
TITLE: Impossible Object
SOURCE: Freudenthal Institute: Wisweb
DESCRIPTION: This shows one view of Escher’s impossible triangle. User can rotate object and see what the object must look like in order to create the optical illusion.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Teacher Demonstration
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TOPIC: Representing three-dimensional objects
TITLE: Colouring sides 1 and 2
SOURCE: Freudenthal Institute: Wisweb
DESCRIPTION: User sees a series of 3-D object along with their front, side and top views. One face of each object is coloured. User must select these faces on the other views.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 and 6 Space, Individual Student use
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TOPIC: Polyhedra
TITLE: Drawing in polyhedra
SOURCE: Freudenthal Institute: Wisweb
DESCRIPTION: User can construct lines or planes in polyhedra and rotate polyhedra to see how lines and planes appear in different views. Good for assisting with 3-D visualization. A more sophisticated version is at Seeing Through Objects: http://www.fi.uu.nl/toepassingen/00349/toepassing_wisweb.en.html
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space, Individual Student use
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TOPIC: Space: Rotation
TITLE: Hetris and Tertris
SOURCE: Math Cats
DESCRIPTION: These are games like Tetris, except squares are replaced with triangles or hexagons. Pieces made out of triangles or hexagons drop and user can rotate them so they fit with others. The game helps student to visual rotation of objects through angles of 60º.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space. Use by individual students as a fun activity.
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TOPIC: Properties of polygons
TITLE: Geometric Facts and Calculations
SOURCE: aaamath
DESCRIPTION: These are a series of activities. (Suggest omit trigonometry terms.). Users identify type of triangle given angles or length of sides, recognize names of polygons, calculate complementary and supplementary angles, and last angle of triangle or quadrilateral. There are no diagrams.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space. Use by individual students.
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TOPIC: Transformations of geometric shapes in the plane.
TITLE: Bathroom Tiles
DESCRIPTION: User moves a tile from one position to another by applying rotation, reflection and/or translation in the plane. There are three levels of difficulty. At level 3, users must select a combination of transformations.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space. Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Properties of polygons
TITLE: Angle Sums
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: User can select a polygon (up to octagon). User can move vertices around to produce different angles. The measurement of each angle and the sum of angles are given, verifying that the sum remains constant.
A simpler version using triangles can be found at http://www.walter-fendt.de/m14e/anglesum.htm  
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space. Use by individual students or teacher demonstration.
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TOPIC: Great Circle
TITLE: Great Circle
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: Shows a globe and standard Mercator map of earth. User selects two locations on globe. The segment of the great circle representing the shortest distance between locations is shown. Also shown is the straight line on Mercator map.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space. Use by individual students or teacher demonstration.
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TOPIC:  Maximize Angle
TITLE: Soccer Problem
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: Shows a soccer goal post, with player running along perpendicular to goal. User can move player along this perpendicular line in order to maximize the angle between player and goal posts.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space and Measurement, Individual student use.
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TOPIC:  Space: Three dimensional objects
TITLE: Platonic Solids
SOURCE: Walter Fendt
DESCRIPTION: Shows the five platonic solids. User can rotate them.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Teacher Demonstration
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TOPIC: Space: Circles
TITLE: Angle at the circle
SOURCE: Walter Fendt
DESCRIPTION: Demonstrates that the angle at the centre of a circle is twice the angle at the circumference if both angles stand on the same arc.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space, Teacher Demonstration
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TOPIC: Space: Circles
TITLE: Thales' Circle
SOURCE: Walter Fendt
DESCRIPTION: Demonstrates that the triangle inside a semi-circle is right-angled.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space, Teacher Demonstration
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TOPIC: Space: angles formed by transversals of parallel lines
TITLE: Angles at Parallel Lines
SOURCE: Walter Fendt
DESCRIPTION: Two parallel lines are shown. User can change angle of transversal line. The size of angles formed are shown.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Teacher Demonstration
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TOPIC: Geometry
TITLE: Taxicab Treasure Hunt
SOURCE: Annenberg Media learner.org
DESCRIPTION: This is a game. The user must try to find the location of treasure. They select their coordinates (expressed as street intersections) and are told how far away they are from the treasure.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Individual Student use
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TOPIC: Exploring two and three dimensional shapes
TITLE: 3-D Shapes
SOURCE: Birmingham Grid for Learning
DESCRIPTION:  This site can be used to visualise two and three dimensional shapes. User can rotate shapes to assist with visualization. With 3-d shapes, user can print out net for shape, enabling students to make their own shape. . There is a worksheet provided, where students complete a table of properties of shapes.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Teacher demonstration or individual student use (using worksheet)
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TOPIC: Transformations of geometric figures in a plane
TITLE: Understanding Congruence, Similarity, and Symmetry Using Transformations and Interactive Figures:
·    Visualizing Transformations;
·    Identifying Unknown Transformations
·    Composing Reflections
·    Composing Transformations 
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: These are a series of applets. The first enables user to visualize reflection, translation and rotation of a geometric figure. The others are more challenging activities involving transformations.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space, Individual student use
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TOPIC: Geometric Solids
TITLE: Geometric Solids
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: This applet allows students to visualize geometric solids. User can rotate solids, and examine relationship between numbers of faces, vertices and edges
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Space, Individual Student use
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TOPIC: Similar Figures
TITLE: Pantograph
SOURCE: International Educational Software, Maths Education and Technology
DESCRIPTION: User can manipulate pantograph to enlarge a drawing. Demonstrates similar figures. User can calculate ratio of magnification from dimensions of pantograph
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Individual Student use
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Other resources on Geometry

Math Open Reference http://www.mathopenref.com/
This site has many applets which can be used to demonstrate a range of concepts in plane geometry, coordinate geometry and solid geometry.

This site links to hundreds of resources (including java applets) on geometry. User can select by topic.

Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.  http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/ 
Select Geometry for a range of interactive activities. It includes notes for instructors.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives:  http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/topic_t_3.html
This has many interactive activities sorted under year level.

This contains interactive demonstrations, which can be used by teachers for class demonstration.

See also additional sites listed below.


TOPIC:  Pythagoras
TITLE: Origami
SOURCE: International Educational Software, Maths Education and Technology
DESCRIPTION: This is a Pythagoras problem for advanced students. A square piece of paper is folded at an angle, which can be varied. It requires that user recognize similar triangles in the resulting shape. Hints are provided.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement and Space, Individual (advanced) student use.
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TOPIC:  Pythagoras – 3 dimensional problems
TITLE: Two Poles
SOURCE: International Educational Software, Maths Education and Technology
DESCRIPTION: This is a three-dimensional Pythagoras problem. It requires user to find length of rope strung between two poles of different heights. The user can rotate the three-dimensional representation to aid finding a solution. Hints are provided.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement, Individual (advanced) student use
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TOPIC: Pythagoras: Demonstration of theorem
TITLE: Pythagorean Puzzles
SOURCE: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
DESCRIPTION: Demonstrates Pythagoras Theorem by filling in two areas with triangles and squares to show than c² = a² + b²
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement, teacher demonstration.
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TOPIC: Pythagoras: Demonstration of theorem
TITLE: Pythagoras’ Theorem
SOURCE: Mathsnet
DESCRIPTION: This site has various proofs and exercises on Pythagoras
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement, Advanced students


TOPIC: Trigonometry: analysis of triangles
TITLE: IM2.8.8 Right Triangle Trig Jeopardy
SOURCE: quia
DESCRIPTION: This is a game between two players. Each must answer questions on trigonometry to gain points. Includes word answers as well as numbers. 
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement. Use by pairs of students. Need to ensure that students know correct way to enter some answers, e.g. sqrt2.
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TOPIC: Angles: converting between degrees and radians
TITLE:  Special angles
DESCRIPTION: This is a quiz. User converts between radians and degrees. A score is given.
SUGGESTED USE:  VELS Level 6, Measurement. Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Trigonometry
TITLE: Sine, Cosine and Tangent of an Angle
SOURCE: http://www.walter-fendt.de/
DESCRIPTION: Demonstrates the graph of sine, cosine and tangent. User can change angle on circle and see sin, cos or tan represented on graph.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement, teacher demonstration
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TOPIC: Trigonometry
TITLE: Trigonometry
SOURCE: International Educational Software, Maths Education and Technology
DESCRIPTION: These are a series of activities that help students visualize sin, cos and tan functions. Some activities are too advanced for level 6. Activities relating trig function to the unit circle may be particularly useful.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement, teacher demonstration.
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TOPIC: Graphs of trig functions
TITLE: Recognise Functions
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: Third applet allows user to generate sin, cos and tan graphs.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6 Structure, teacher demonstration (third applet)
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TOPIC: Angles and sides in Right Angle Triangle
TITLE: Trig Review
SOURCE: Shenandoah Valley Governor’s School, USA
DESCRIPTION: User is given a series of right angle triangles, with either angles or length of sides. Users must enter the missing angles or lengths. Angles are given in radians.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Measurement, individual student use. Suitable for revision.
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TOPIC: Simple functions
TITLE: Function Machine
SOURCE: Shodor
DESCRIPTION: Students are given values of x and y and need to work out the simple function governing these, which will be of the form   y = x * __ ; y = x + __ ; or y = x – __
Useful for introduction to functions.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Simple functions
TITLE: Linear Function Machine
SOURCE: Shodor
DESCRIPTION: Students are given simple functions of form y = x * __  + a.. They must enter values of x and are given values of y. They need to work out the simple function.
Useful for introduction to functions.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Simple functions
TITLE: Linear Function
SOURCE: International Educational Software, Maths Education and Technology
DESCRIPTION: This demonstrates simple functions of form y = ax + b. Simulator shows what happens to y as different values of x are substituted. At step 2, users need to guess y. At step 3, users need to guess coefficients given x and y.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure. Use by individual students.
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TOPIC: Plotting points on Cartesian Graph
TITLE: Simple Plot
SOURCE:  Shodor
DESCRIPTION: Students can enter a series of (x,y) ordered pairs, and plot them either as a connected function or unconnected data points.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure. Use by individual or pairs of students.
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TOPIC: Locating points on Cartesian Graph
TITLE: Looking for the Top Quark
SOURCE: Jefferson Lab
DESCRIPTION: This is a game between two players or one player and the computer. User must enter Cartesian coordinates in order to capture the opponent’s quarks.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Space, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Graphing simple Functions
TITLE: Graphit
SOURCE:  Shodor
Note that a similar graphing function can be found at “Graph my Equation” http://www.frontiernet.net/~imaging/graph_my_equation.html/
DESCRIPTION: Students can enter a function y(x), and the graph will be produced. The function can include power, roots, trigonometric functions, and logarithms.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 and 6, Structure. Use by individual or pairs of students
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TOPIC: Graphing simple Functions
TITLE: Graph my equation
SOURCE:  Paul Flavin
DESCRIPTION: Students can enter a function y(x), and the graph will be produced. The function can include power, roots, trigonometric functions, and logarithms.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5 and 6, Structure. Use by individual or pairs of students
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TOPIC: Functions
TITLE: Equation Match
DESCRIPTION: Squares contain simple equations for x. Students have to match squares which give same solution for x to uncover picture. Has three levels. Level 3 includes equations with x on both sides.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure. Use by individual students
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TOPIC: Graphing Functions
TITLE: The Big Function Graph Puzzle
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: Students must match the equation of line or quadratic with the curve. There are six of each (selected randomly from sample of 100).
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6 Structure, Individual Student Use
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TOPIC: Graphs of functions
TITLE: Functions 1
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: First applet demonstrates graph of function. For second and third applets, students must match the graph of a function with the correct expression. The fourth applet demonstrates graph of third order polynomial. Also includes function plotter
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6 Structure, teacher demonstration (first and fourth applet) and individual student use
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TOPIC: Graphs of functions
TITLE: Recognise Functions
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: Students must match the graph of a function with the correct expression. Also includes an applet to generate sin, cos and tan graphs.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6 Structure, Individual Student Use (first two applets) and teacher demonstration (third applet)
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TOPIC: Graphs of Functions
TITLE:  Graphs of Functions and Algebra - Interactive Tutorials
SOURCE: Abdelkader Dendane
DESCRIPTION: This site has applets that display graphs for a number of different functions. Users can change the parameters and see the effect on the shape of the curve.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Structure, Individual student use. Associated activities are included for each function.
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TOPIC: Linear Functions
TITLE: Exploring Linear Functions: Representational Relationships
SOURCE: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DESCRIPTION: This is an interactive applet showing a straight line on a graph, and the equation of the line. Users can change the slope and intercept, and see the effect on the graph and on the equation. Associated tasks are provided.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Structure, Individual student use
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TOPIC: Linear Functions
TITLE: What’s the Function?
SOURCE: Math Playground
DESCRIPTION: This applet requires that the user guess the linear function, given the values of x and y. There are 3 levels
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 5, Structure, Individual student use
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TOPIC: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions
TITLE: The big puzzle on term manipulation
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: Students must match a list of six polynomial expressions with their simplified form. Problems are selected randomly
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Structure, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Substitution into Algebraic Expressions
TITLE: Substituting Numbers in Terms
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: Students are given two lists of six polynomial expressions and must match the pair which have the same value when x = 1 is substituted.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Structure, Individual student use.
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TOPIC: Structure of Algebraic Expressions
TITLE: Variables, terms, formulae, and identities
SOURCE: University of Vienna
DESCRIPTION: This is a quiz that requires users to recognize the structure of algebraic terms. In first exercise, they need to substitute into expression; in second exercise, they need to match the words describing the expression with the algebraic form. The third exercise requires user to draw numerical conclusions from form of expression.
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Structure, Individual student use.
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List of Sites with Interactive Mathematical Activities

Some of the activities in these sites are described in detail above. These sites have other activities that teachers may wish to investigate.

This has over 1000 activities including quizzes and games. They can be chosen by category, or by keyword. It also includes other subjects.

This has a large number of activities sorted under topic headings. They are accessed through Digilearn. https://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/dlr

This has a range of interactive activities and notes for instructors in mathematics and other subjects.

This contains a range of mathematical puzzles. Most are aimed at advanced students.

This contains interactive demonstrations, which can be used by teachers for class demonstration.

This site has a large number of mathematical problems, games and articles. Search under “Maths Finder” to find problems for each topic. Activities are given different stage levels.

International Educational Software: http://www.ies.co.jp/math/java/index.html
This has several hundred applets on mathematical topics.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: http://nlvm.usu.edu/
This has many interactive activities sorted under year level and topic.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: http://illuminations.nctm.org/
This has about 100 interactive activities.

This site has a number of computer games that can help develop students’ reasoning skills. One example is the game of Mastermind. (Currently blocked at MPSC.)

This site has a number of computer games that can help develop students’ reasoning skills.

Essential Mathematics VELS Interactives
Teachers can download a number of interactive files suitable for selected year level. Some require Excel; others require use of Cabri software

Mathematics, Science and Technology Education program at the University of Illinois
This site contains interactive activities in mathematics and science.

This site has a large number of demonstration, practice, extension and testing activities under the following headings:
number pattern and number system                  addition and subtraction, division and multiplication
fractions and decimals                                    shape and space,
angles and co-ordinates,                                  data handling,
percentages                                                     measures

This site offers visual methods to assist learning. It has lessons, practice activities, puzzles and games suitable for students who are having trouble with some mathematical concepts.

This site offers revision, activities and tests under topics: Algebra; Data Handling; Number; Shape, space; and Measures

This has links to technology tools, lessons, activities, and support materials for mathematics.

This site has a range of applets covering areas:
number sense                           number and estimation measurement
algebra and calculus                geometry                                  statistics and probability
discrete maths
Teachers can select applets by topic and school year

Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Grid for Learning
This site has a range of interactive mathematical activities. It also links to other web resources.

This site has interactive maths applets. He has also produced applets on physics. Some are too advanced for middle year students.

This site has many activities that can be used for practice and revision. Gives scores.         

Woodlands Junior School Kent, Maths Zone: http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/
This site links to a range of interactivities. They are mainly suited to upper primary, but could be useful for middle school students requiring revision.

This site links to interactive resources for high school maths. Select Resource on left hand side.

This site links to a variety of applets on mathematics

Science Resources

TOPIC: Reflexes
TITLE: Reflex
SOURCE: Kennesaw State University
DESCRIPTION: User can test their reflex time for sight or sound.
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use.

TOPIC: Motion / Machines
TITLE: Grain Strain
SOURCE: Science Museum
DESCRIPTION: This is an online game. Users can move around various conveyor belts so they catch grain in a bucket. .
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use.

TOPIC: Forensics
SOURCE: Science Museum
DESCRIPTION: This is an online game. User needs to create an identikit of a face.. .
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use.

TOPIC: Energy
TITLE: Energy Flows
SOURCE: Science Museum
DESCRIPTION: This is an online game. Users can move around items for form correct sequence for energy flow (for example: wind →wind turbine→wires→heater→warm air)
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use.

TOPIC: Machines
TITLE: Simple Machines
SOURCE: Edheads
DESCRIPTION: Users can learn about simple machines in the home and toolshed. Includes teacher’s guide
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use.

TOPIC: Machines
TITLE: Compound Machines
SOURCE: Edheads
URL:  http://www.edheads.org/activities/odd_machine/
DESCRIPTION: This is a fun activity where users can learn about various compound machines while analyzing a visual story. User needs to answer questions along the way and receive a score.. Includes teacher’s guide.
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use.

TOPIC: Forces and Motion; Forensics
TITLE: Crash Scene
SOURCE: Edheads
DESCRIPTION: This is a complicated activity involving the analysis of a crash scene.  Includes teacher’s guide.
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use. More suitable for VELS level 6.

TOPIC: Scale
TITLE: Secret Worlds: The Universe Within
SOURCE: Florida State University
DESCRIPTION: This is a visual display. It commences with a display of the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Each subsequent image moves in by one order of magnitude, through to the Earth, a leaf on a tree, the cells, DNA, atoms through to quarks.
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use or teacher demonstration.

TOPIC: Microscopy
TITLE: Molecular Expressions: Microscopy Primer
SOURCE: Florida State University
DESCRIPTION: This site offers a variety of virtual microscopes. Students can look at selected items at different magnifications.
SUGGESTED USE: Individual student use.

TOPIC: Periodic Table
TITLE: Element Games
SOURCE: Jefferson Lab
DESCRIPTION: These are some fun activities to help students learn the names, symbols and atomic numbers of elements
SUGGESTED USE: VELS Level 6, Individual Student Use.

The Interactive Library: http://www.edinformatics.com/il/
This has hundreds of applets and animations for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth and Space Science.

This site has many demonstration, practice, extension and testing activities under the headings:
Animals                       Materials         Environment                Plants                          Space
Humans                       Forces             Energy/Electricity       Science Videos          

This site has a large number of demonstration, practice, extension and testing activities under the following headings:
Containers                   Designing Things                     Food (healthy eating)              Textiles
Animation                    Making Things             Electricity                               Mechanisms
Football                       Structures / Bridges

This site offers revision, activities and tests under topics:
Acids and Alkalis                   Changes Materials                               Chemical Reaction
Classifying Materials              Earth and Beyond                                Electricity and Magnetism           
Energy                                     Energy Resources and Transfer           Forces and Motion     
Green Plants and Organisms   Humans and Organisms                       Inheritance and Selection
Life Processes                         Light and Sound                                   Living Things
Metals and Non-Metals           Periodic Table                                                Plants and Photosynthesis
Radioactivity                           Science Careers                                  Science Facts 
Titanic                                     Useful Products from Air                    Useful Products from Oil
Useful Products from Rocks    Variation and Classification                Variation and Inheritance
Waves                                     Welsh Scientists                     

This site has interactive applets on mechanics, oscillations and waves, electrodynamics, optics. He has also produced applets on physics. Some are too advanced for middle year students.

Frank Potter's Science Gems: http://www.sciencegems.com/  
This links to thousands of websites suitable for school science, including interactive resources.

Schools of California On-line Resources for Education: http://scorescience.humboldt.k12.ca.us/
This links to other science resources. Teacher can select by year level and subject

Uniserve Science, Alternative Strategies for Science Teaching and Assessment: http://science.uniserve.edu.au/school/support/strategy.html
Links to various resources

Birmingham City Council, Birmingham Grid for Learning
This site has a range of interactive mathematical activities and links to other web resources. Select topic on left hand side.

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